SMARTEK Vision | User Manual
– LED Strobe Controller Family | Doc. v2.2.1
7. Device Configuration with the ScLibClient
The ScLibClient is a graphical user interface application for strobe controller discovery,
configuration and status. It is part of the ScLib which is a collection of software tools,
programming samples and documentation to configure, run and integrate devices into user
applications. All SMARTEK Vision Strobe Controllers, specified in this document, are
Firmware update
Over Ethernet, RS-232 and USB
ScLib PC Client software
Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8, 10, (32 and
Linux (32 and 64bit)
Table 28: Software specifications
With the installation of the ScLib, the ScLibClient can be started from the Windows Start Menu
or the binary folder of the installation.
Figure 23: ScLibClient - Overview