DM6-DA20/1 DB25 on DM6 end to 2 DB25 on
DA20 end. This cable set allows easy plug-in o p -
eration. The 2 DB25’s on the DA20 end plug into
the Audio and Control connectors on the DA20.
DM6-DA20/2 Fanning strip for terminals on DM6
end to 2 DB25’s on DA20 end. The 2 DB25’s o n
the DA20 end plug into the Audio and Control con-
nectors on the DA20.
Please refer to the DA 20 manual for other wiring
considerations. In particular, the Motor Start con-
nector must be jumpered from Pin 1 to Pin 5. This is
explained in the DA20 Manual.
It is necessary to feed pink noise at a 0.5 volt level
into each digital input in order to properly set the
EQ. Feed each channel and set the house EQ as
you normally would for an optical stereo proces-
sor. The easiest place to inject the Pink Noise is at
the Digital Inputs Terminal Strip on the rear of the
DM6. If you have already made connections to the
terminals, then just unplug the cable at the DTS or
DA20. Now you can feed these inputs with no load-
ing on your Pink Noise source. After EQ is done on
all channels, just re-plug the connectors.
Alternatively, you can use your Smart Pink Noise
Generator card plugged into the left end slot to set
the EQ. First, remove the Input Switching Card,
and then plug in the Pink Noise card. It is neces-
sary to remove the Input card because if both were
plugged in simultaneously, both cards would be
fighting for control of the signal buss. Please note
that the original Pink Noise card does not have LS
and RS outputs. It is necessary to modify the pink
noise card so that the one surround channel feeds
LS and RS. Simply add a jumper wire from Pin 4 to
Pin 5 on the Pink Noise Card. These are 4th and 5th
pins from the top of the Pink Noise Card on the
component side. In this configuration, the surround
switch on the Pink Noise Card will feed LS and RS
simultaneously, so you will have to turn the LS
Amplifier channel down while EQ’ing the the RS
channel and vice versa.
Next, play the test disc or film and set the audito-
rium levels as recommended by the digital proces-
sor manufacturer. Please note that the DM-6 has
several points in the signal path where the gain may
be adjusted. However, it is suggested that you make
all level adjustments on the digital processor itself,
and only use the internal trimpots on the DM-6 if a
normal level cannot be obtained.
Please note that the DA20 Sub-Bass output is
10 dB
lower than the stage channels. The Sub-Bass chan-
nels on the DM6 Input Switching card have suffi-
cient range to accomodate this lower level. The fac-
tory settings on the DM6 will already be set to com-
pensate for this lower level on the second set of
digital inputs. The factory settings on the DM6 for
Trimpots on the OUTPUT CARD allow final level matching.
DM-6 shown with 1/3 octave stage channel equalizers