This product requires that the LS and RS inputs have reasonably well-balanced
levels and NO equalization or tone control shaping of the signals. If your proces-
sor has gain or balance adjustments for the LS and RS channels, make sure that
the signal levels are set the same. Likewise, if you have tone or EQ controls for the
LS and RS channels, make sure that these are set to the flat positions, i.e., no
boost or cut at any frequency. If you want to equalize the surround channels, add
equalizers between the CS-3X, Jr. outputs and the amplifier inputs.
The CS-3X, Jr. is very easy to use. There are only three front panel controls and
switches. Normally, the only thing to do is to select the proper format depending
on whether you are playing a digital soundtrack or a standard stereo soundtrack
through a matrix decoder such as Circle Surround
or Prologic
The pushbutton marked CS-3X and LS-RS is the format pushbutton. In the CS-3X
format (pusbutton in), digital soundtracks with separate left and right surround
tracks will be played in the Surround EX
format. This produces three separate
surround channels. This is the format you will normally use with digital soundtracks.
The LS-RS format (pushbutton out) is used for playing matrix decoded stereo
soundtracks. This format can also be used when playing a digital soundtrack if the
resulting sound with the CS (rear wall) speakers playing is not as you desire. In the
LS-RS format, only the Left and Right Surround speakers are active.
The ON/OFF pushbutton does not actually turn off power to the unit, but instead
bypasses the LS and RS inputs directly to the LS and RS outputs. This pushbutton
would only be placed in the OFF position if there was a problem with the CS-3X,
Jr. and you wished to take it out of the circuit.
The CENTER FILL control is used to adjust the CS channel output level relative to
the Left and Right Surround levels. It can be used to raise or lower the CS volume
to suit the particular soundtrack being played. Usually this level is about 3dB
higher than the Left and Right Surround channels.
Even though the Surround EX
format was created recently and has only been
specifically used in a couple of movies, the fact is that ALL digital soundtracks
have had in-phase material recorded on the surround channels when the sound
mixer wanted the surround sound to appear to come from somewhere between
the left and right walls. This in-phase material is decoded by the CS-3X and sent
to the rear wall channel speakers and can enhance the directionality and the
overall listening experience. If this effect is not desired for a particular movie,
simply place the CS-3X in the LS-RS format. Ultimately it is up to you how you
prefer to hear your system perform.