SolaR PoweRed ChaMeleon
SMaRt Globe
Instruction Manual
Model 3382MRM1
attention must be paid to the Health and Safety Standards in
your jurisdiction.
3. ComPonentS In tHe Smart Globe
4. overvIeW
the Smart Globe has been designed for outdoor use and can even
be used in ponds and water features as a floating light. the solar
module converts sunlight into electricity, which is then stored in
the integral rechargeable nimh batteries. the light switches on
automatically when it gets dark and turns itself off when it gets
light or when the batteries are fully discharged.
the Smart Globe should not be used as a toy.
Installation of the product must be in a sunny place for optimal
Please note: For best results you should try to ensure that the
installation allows full access to the sun without shadows. the
duration of lighting hours depends on the intensity as well as
the duration of sunlight. In winter months the performance
will be affected.
Smart Globe unit with in-built
solar module, special rGb led
and circuit, batteries
Plastic pedestal
Model 3342ARM1
Model 3342ARM1