After that the chosen configuration will appear in the window. The name of the configuration is the same as
the file name (marked with the green color on the picture).
To save the configuration it is needed to open tabs “Print Settngs”, “Filament Settings”, “Printer Settings”
and press “Save” icon at each tab.
Close the configuration window and turn back to the tab “Slicer” and choose in dropdown lists “Print
Settings”, “Printer Settings” and “Extruder 1” the loaded configuration, which is suitable for used plastic and
diameter of the installed nozzle.
There is a convenient feature of the Slic3r interface – it is setting “Reboot of setting Slic3r”. Due to this
feature it is possible to change some parameters without entering “Configuration” window.
The next tab is “Print Preview”. In this tab print statistics and visualization of printing head displacement are
available. And also it is possible to save ready G-code (executing program).