4.3 EQ Stage
80Hz low shelving rotary control
This rotary control allows for cutting or boosting an 80Hz low shelving EQ by approx 16dB.
1.8kHz low shelving EQ rotary control
This rotary control allows for cutting or boosting a 1.8kHz mid-frequency by approx 16dB.
8kHz high shelving EQ rotary control
This rotary control allows for cutting or boosting an 8kHz high shelving EQ by approx 16dB.
4.4 Output stage
Rotary output control
This controls the master output signal level.
Phantom power switch/s
You can enable or disable phantom power each channel of input. This is required for condenser
microphones without a battery or stand alone power supply.
Phase reversal switch
A phase reverse switch is available for reversing the phase of the signal by 180 degrees. This
can be desired in situations such as recording a snare drum from above and below the drum
simultaneously. By reversing the phase on one of your microphone signals you will achieve a bet-
ter result, recording full range of signal without a phase cancellation occurring.