SRP & SRP-IP user manual
Sleipner Motor AS
P.O. Box 519, Arne Svendsensgt. 6-8
N-1612 Fredrikstad, Norway
• Ensure you know the location of the main battery switch that disconnects the thruster from all power sources (batteries) so the thruster can
be turned off in case of serious malfunction.
• We advise keeping the main engine(s) running while using the thruster. This will keep the batteries in a good charge condition. It will also give better
performance to the thruster.
• If the performance of the thruster is reduced check the battery system or check the tunnel for marine growth.
• The electric motor, its components, contacts/ plugs or other joints in the control cables must be mounted so they will remain dry at all times.
Never store items (e.g. equipment, sails, ropes etc.) in the same compartment as the thruster. When the thruster runs for an extended period, it
can reach 150°C and will cause damage to nearby items or cause a fi re.
Any loose items near the thruster motor can cause problems with electrical wiring coming loose and short-circuiting.
For the operation of electric thrusters
NEVER Disassemble any part of the Ignition Protected assembly. Tampering with the Ignition Protected assembly will cause it to lose this
safety feature. If there is a problem with your Ignition Protected motor, please contact your dealer.
• Always turn the control device off when the thruster is not in use or when leaving the boat.
• When leaving the boat always turn off the main power switch for the thruster.
• Never use thrusters out of water.
• If the thruster stops giving thrust while running, there is possibly a problem in the drive system. You must immediately stop running the thruster
and turn it off. Running the thruster for more than a few seconds without resistance from the propeller can cause serious damage to the thruster.
• If two panels are operated with conflicting directions at the same time the thruster will not run. If both are operated in the same direction, the
thruster will run in this direction.
• If you notice any faults with the thruster switch it off to avoid further damage.
• The primary purpose of the thruster is to manoeuvre or dock the vessel. Forward or reverse speed must not exceed 4 knots when operated.
For the operation of thrusters
Never use thrusters when close to objects, persons or animals in the water. The thruster will draw objects into the tunnel and the rotating
propellers. This will cause serious injuries and damage the thruster.
Always turn the main power switch off before touching any part of the thruster. An incidental start while touching moving parts can cause
serious injuries.
It is the owner, captains or other responsible parties full responsibility to assess the risk of any unexpected incidents on the vessel.
If the thruster stops giving thrust for some reason while manoeuvring you must have considered a plan on how to avoid damage to persons or
other objects.
For the operation of DC electric motors
• The DC electric motor will generate some carbon dust during operation. Ensure any storage compartments are separated from the thruster area to
prevent nearby items from becoming dusty.
• The maximum continuous run time of the electrical thruster is approximately 3 minutes. The electrical motor includes a built-in thermal cut off
switch that will shut down the motor when it detects overheating. Consider this when planning your manoeuvring.
Failure to follow the considerations and precautions can cause serious injury,
damage and will render all warranties given by Sleipner Motor as VOID.
General Operation Considerations and Precautions Guidelines