Series / parallel switch box installation manual
1.0.1 - 2018
1. Install the thruster as per the installation instructions following it, but disregard the wiring
diagram which are being replaced by the diagrams in this manual. Make sure to use the
correct main cable size according to the length to thruster as listed in the thrusters manual.
NOTE! The length measurements in this list is the total of the + and - cable.
2. Bolt the box to a bulkhead in an accessible location as close to the two battery banks as
possible. It should be positioned so that the cable openings face down .
3. Connect the heavy main cables, main battery switches and fuses as described in the
“visual” wiring diagram to the thruster, series/parallel switch box and batteries. Make sure
to label all cables in both ends to ensure correct connection points. Remember to fit the
rubber seals around the cables and in the box. (See FIG.3 and FIG.4)
4. Check again that the main cable wiring in the system is correct !
5. Extend the included 2-lead wire coming out of the series/parallel switch box (grey and
black) and connect these to the
connectors on the thrusters main solenoid contactor.
(See FIG.3 + FIG.5)
6. Install the control panel(s) as per the instructions. The panels should be connected directly
to the thruster as in a “normal” installation without a series/parallel switch box.
7. If you are installing a sternthruster, make sure to follow the instructions in the sternthruster
installation manual to move the electronic controlbox away from the thruster and seal the
thruster compartment from general bilge water. The electric installation of bow and stern
thrusters must be treated as separate thrusters in terms of electric wiring so that each
thruster must have its own series parallel box with all the connections and a seperate
Batt.2 and the 2-lead controlcable between the series parallel box and the thruster.
There is an example diagram (FIG.6) on page 7. You can also use seperate battery bank 1
for each thruster, remember the 12V charge feed as described.
NB! If you are installing both a bow and a sternthruster with series/parallel switch boxes the
Batt.1 bank can be common for both thrusters providing it has the necessary capacity
(minimum x 2,5) but there must be an individual Batt.2 for each thrusters. (see FIG. 6)
Minimum battery capacities
Slow fuse / main switch rating
600CCA din
600CCA din
400A for 10 minutes
750CCA din
750CCA din
550A for 10 minutes
800CCA din
800CCA din
600A for 10 minutes
CCA din is the Cold Cranking Amps rating by the DIN standard.
If your battery is rated by other standards, you should use the following factors:
DIN = SAE & BCA / 1,9 (Example: rating is 800 CCA BCA = 421 CCA DIN) DIN = IEC / 1,3
Bigger and more powerful batteries and cables will increase the thrusters performance
as there will be less voltage drop to the thruster. The sizes mentioned in the manuals
are the minimum sizes and the larger, the better.