Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • [email protected] •
Rev. 0.1 • Skyworks Proprietary Information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • October 4, 2021
Figure 5. LCD Display in FM Setup Menu
Figure 6. LCD Display in AM Setup Menu
4.2.7. Digit Keys
In Radio Mode, the FUNC/DIGIT key is used to switch the keypad to digital input mode. A “Dig” indicator is
displayed in this mode and all keys marked with a digit are used to input a channel frequency. A frequency is
considered valid if it lies within the band limits. If a non-valid frequency is entered, the closest band limit will be
entered and displayed.
4.2.8. Volume
The VOL+/2 or VOL–/6 keys are used to adjust the volume up or down. The board audio output will be muted when
volume is at the lowest setting.
4.2.9. AM Channel Spacing Auto Set
In AM Mode, the MEM/AL/1 key will automatically detect and set the channel spacing to either 9 or 10 kHz. The
detection criterion determines which channel spacing results in more valid stations during a band scan. The
number for the detection threshold is adjustable as described in Table 2. This operation can be aborted by pressing
the MEM/AL/1 key again.