In order to Fullstall your paraglider take a wrap on both brake handles and pull strongly
and symmetrically until the airflow breaks away from the canopy.
The canopy will drop backwards. Despite this violent reaction keep the brakes fully
depressed until the canopy stabilises above your head.
In a Fullstall the skywalk MESCAL3 flies backwards but doesn’t always form a forward
facing semi-circle. This semi-circle can be achieved by a slower entry into the Fullstall.
In order to exit a Fullstall the pilot will have to release the brakes slowly and symmetri-
cally (Recovery time >= 1 sec).
The glider opens and surges forward to pick up speed. Brake gently to dampen the
forward surge of the skywalk MESCAL3 and to counteract a possible Front Tuck.
in caSe THe FullSTall iS releaSeD TOO earlY, TOO FaST Or wiTH THe
wrOnG TecHnique THe canOPY MaY SHOOT FOrwarD STrOnGlY!
neGaTive SPinS:
A paraglider spins negative if the airflow disconnects over one half of the wing. The
canopy turns around the vertical axis and the turnpoint is inside the gilder. The inner
part of the wing is in a reverse flight.
There are two reasons for the Negative Spin:
> One brake is pulled too far and too hard (e.g. when entering a spiral dive)
> One brake is pulled too hard when flying slow (e.g. in thermal flying).
The skywalk MESCAL3 usually re-enters normal flight immediately after the brake is
released without any great altitude loss. Simply release the excessively induced brake
until the airflow re-connects to the inside wing.
After a long lasting spin it is possible that when releasing the brake the canopy might
shoot forward and collapse. Cross-braced harnesses that are too narrow increase the
tendency to spin on most paragliders.
Alternating left/right turns lead to an increased banking of the canopy. The load on
the outside wing tip to a minimum (the tip starts to feel light). Further turns and higher
banking is not recommended at this stage as the canopy might collapse on the inside
wing section.
FullSTall, neGaTive SPin anD winGOverS (aBOve 90°) are illeGal
acrOBaTic FliGHT ManOeuverS anD are nOT PerMiTTeD in reGular air
TraFFic. wrOnG Or exceSSive STeerinG in THeSe SiTuaTiOnS MaY Have
FaTal cOnSequenceS inDePenDenT OF THe TYPe OF ParaGliDer uSeD!
Содержание MESCAL3
Страница 1: ...37 Manual Service...
Страница 16: ...66 67 Riser...
Страница 17: ...68 69 Riser Notes...
Страница 18: ...70 71 TEST PROTOCOL...
Страница 19: ...72 73 Notes Notes...