Skymaster ARF F
http://www.skymasterjet.com/arf18e.htm[7/14/2014 4:17:18 PM]
Glue the 6 Hinges for Ailerons with Flaps
Note: Please make sure the servo is secured to the mount. The servo mount base should have
enough surface area to hold it. If you only glue the servo mount directly to the wing surface
without additional support may cause the whole thing to rip off in extreme conditions. This will
cause serious damage to your plane such as fluttering.
We suggest you use a thin plywood or layer of fiberglass to increase the base surface space
before you glue the servo mount..
Glue the servos mounts for the Aileron servos and cut the hole then glue for Rudder Horns
connect both push-pull rods for Aileron servos control (the F-18 kit includes 2 rods for Ailerons)