You can use Browser to view web pages and search for information on the web.
When you open Browser, your home page opens. The web address (URL) of the current page is
displayed at the top of the window.
You can use this Calculator to solve simple arithmetic problems or use its advanced operators to solve
more complex equations.
Enter numbers and arithmetic operators on the basic screen; Drag the basic screen to the left to open the
advanced screen; Touch Del to delete the last number or operator you entered. Touch & hold Del to delete
everything in the display.
In the calculator screen, you can touch menu icon to access advanced panel.
You can open Calendar to view events you’ve created.
Touch the Calendar icon in the main menu interface. Events from each account you’ve added to your
phone and configured to synchronize calendars are displayed in Calendar.
Creating an event
You can use Calendar on your phone to create events. In any calendar view, touch menu icon > new
event to open a event details screen for a new event.
Enter a name, time, and optional additional details about the event. You can touch plus icon to add more
reminders. In the Guests field, you can enter the email addresses of everyone you want to invite to the event.