Rapid descent techniques
In general, to descend, avoid areas of lift. If for any reason you need to descend rapidly,
due to changing conditions, you can use the following techniques to increase your sink rate:
A. Big Ears
- pull the risers specially designed for this, outwards then downwards until the wingtips fold
- keep them pulled in to prevent the wingtips from reopening
- depending on the size of the deflation, the sink rate can be increased to 3 to 4 m/s.
As soon as you release the lines, the paraglider should reopen gradually by itself. You may
however speed up re-opening by pumping each brake in turn.
Warning! For safety reasons we recommend pulling in and re-opening the ears one at a time
and never simultaneously!
B. Spiral dive
Your FIDES 2 is an easy to handle glider which reacts precisely and progressively to the
controls. To engage a spiral dive, gradually lower one brake about half way and maintain
the brake in this position. The rotation speed gradually increases, as does the brake
pressure and the centripetal force which you are subjected to. You may increase or
decrease the bank and speed of rotation by easing off or pulling the brake several
Correctly executed, the spiral dive enables you to descend at more than 10m/s. However,
movements that are too abrupt and badly coordinated or entering the spiral too quickly
could cause a spin!
Depending on your harness setting or your position in it, it is possible that the FIDES 2 could
remain in the spiral when you have released the brake. You must therefore exit the spiral
by pulling on the outer brake to the rotation. Warning, kinetic energy built up in a spiral
must be released gently by gradually increasing the diameter of the turn in order to avoid a
very violent conversion and subsequent surge.
Carried out badly, the spiral can become a dangerous manoeuvre; the technique
required to control it should be learnt under the instruction of a professional school.
C. B Line Stall
Grasp the B risers at the quick-links and pull them down symmetrically. The paraglider
stalls and pitches back slightly before stabilising above your head. Sink rate increases up to
6 to 8 m/s. To exit the stall raise both hands with a single, swift, symmetrical movement.
Once you have released the B risers the FIDES 2 as a rule, regains its flight immediately.
Incorrect settings (brakes too short) or of piloting or specific aerological conditions (very
strong humidity) can however lead to a prolonged parachutal phase. Simply pushing the
speed bar enables rapid exit from a stable parachutal stall. If the speed system is not
attached a symmetrical pull on the A and B risers gives the same result.
Beware: unlike big ears and a spiral dive, the B line stall is a manoeuvre during which
your glider is no longer flying.
This is a stall and should therefore never be carried out close to the ground.