Start with an assistant.
Give a sign that you are ready. Your assistant should stay be-
hind the kite, raise it from the ground, holding it for the leading
edge at the top of his breast. In this position the kite is well filled
with air and gains its working form. Your assistant gives you a
sign that he is ready and leaves the kite. When the kite is filled it
flies up excellently and is ready to use. Your assistant should not
throw up the kite. It flies up independently even by a minimal
Independent start.
Pull the front lines so that the front edge of your kite is up. The
kite is filled with air though the air inlets and with the help of its
lift force it throws down the snow. At the beginning of the start
pay attention that your kite does not turn over: if one of the ears
goes faster, slow it down by the bar.