Technical User Guide
DA 74BC Winch Motor
Product and Documentation Changes
SKOV A/S reserve the right to change this document and the product herein described without further notice.
In case of doubt, please contact SKOV A/S.
Date of change appears from the front and back of this manual.
All rights reserved SKOV A/S. No part of this manual may be reproduced in any manner
whatsoever without the express written permission from SKOV A/S.
SKOV A/S has made all reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in
this manual. Should any mistakes or imprecise information occur in spite of this, SKOV A/S would
appreciate being notified thereof.
Irrespective of the above, shall not accept any liability with regard to loss or damage caused or
alleged to be caused by reliance on any information contained herein.
Copyright 2017 by SKOV A/S.