Replacement Procedures
Service Manual
Electronic Controller
The electronic controller is located inside the unit junction box (see
page 34). For information on operating and programming the controller, see
page 6.
To access and remove the electronic controller
If the controller has a suspected fault, care must be taken to ensure accurate
diagnostics (often controller faults are mis-diagnosed). The controller has
various programmable parameters that affect operation. Any suspected
failure must be double checked. Confirm all wiring and terminations are
correct. If operation appears erratic, perform a controller reset.
1. Isolate the chiller from the power supply.
2. Undo the four screws from the controller faceplate, and withdraw the
faceplate and controller from the unit junction box.
3. Press the two yellow tabs on either side of the electronic controller and push
it through the faceplate.
4. The electronic controller can now be detached and replaced.