The drive shafts of the individual gearboxes have different
lengths due to the different heights of the serration, dimension
In order to press in the bearing support evenly onto the shafts,
it is necessary that the shafts are also positioned evenly on
the insert base - T10083- .
A 3 mm thick washer - T10083/1- must be inserted in the fas‐
tening opening of the drive shaft, if necessary
Therefore, the dimension -a- of the output shaft serration must
be measured.
• Dimension -a- = 30.6 mm
Insert washer - T10083/1-
Press on the bearing support for grooved ball bearing
– Before pressing on the bearing support heat it to approximate‐
ly 100 °C.
Press on the bushing -A- for the 5th gear needle bearing
Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R ...
Gearbox 02T - Edition 05.2014
Rep. gr.35 - Gears, shafts