The following conditions must be met BEFORE starting a sampling process
Whether PASSIVE or PUMPED sampling will be used?
If Passive Mode is chosen the following should be noted:
In the passive mode the SPLIT2 is used without any inlets or a filter cassette on the sensing head (see page 11 for details).
This mode means the instrument relies on the NIOSH 0600 method of calibration. This method uses ARD (Arizona Road Dust) as
a calibration media and responds to the RESPIRABLE fraction only.
In other words the instrument displays a concentration as if it is seeing ARD and through the design of the sensing head responds to the
Respirable fraction only. The SPLIT2 must be set up, through the menus, to the RESPIRABLE option. (see page 12 on how to do this).
The advantage of the SPLIT2 is its ability to be calibrated to the type of dust present in your own specific atmosphere.
This is achieved by placing the SPLIT2 in the pumped mode with a design inlet attached.
If PUMPED Mode is chosen the following should be observed:
1. The correct particle size must be selected through the instruments menu
2. The correct sampling inlet must be attached
3. The correct date and time must be set
4. The Auto-Zero process must be completed
5. The Alarm level must be set if sampling with the alarm feature.
6. A suitable air sampling pump must be attached to the unit
An explanation of the different dust fractions that can be monitored.
Each dust fraction affects different parts of the respiratory system as shown in the diagram below and follows the ISO Cen convention.
To sample for each fraction the appropriate inlet must be used.
Inhalable. ....................... IOM inlet.100 micron at 50% cut point
Thoracic. ....................... IOM inlet with Black foam insert. 10 micron at 50% cut point
Respirable ...................... IOM inlet with White foam insert. 4 micron at 50% cut point
If you would like learn more on the different dust fraction and the appropriate sampling device, may we suggest you attend the SKC Basic
Course on Air Sampling. Please contact SKC customer care for more details on 44 (0) 1258 480188