Hazard caused by welding wire
Welding wire can cause cuts, uninten�onal device ac�va�on may lead to uncontrolled wire extension. Do not direct the
torch parts towards your face or other people.
Hazard caused by electronic magne�c field
Devices can generate electromagne�c or electrical fields that may interfere with the opera�on of other electrical
equipment for data processing, affect telecommunica�ons connec�ons, network cables and implanted medical devices.
• Remember to fully extend the welding cables.
• Never wrap welding cables around the body.
• Users of implanted medical devices should consult their physician before star�ng work with any welding device.
Moving parts hazard
Rotary parts such as the fan or wire feed system can cut or crush limbs.
*It is prohibited to remove the fan guards and open the wire feed chamber (in the case of MIG/MAG) while the device is
*Keep your hair, loose clothing or tools away from rota�ng parts, as they can cause your limb to be pulled in, severed or
cut off.
• Frequently check the input power cord for wear, preferably each time the welding device is plugged in. In case of
damage, immediately have the device replaced by a trained person or take the device to an authorized service centre;
uninsulated wires are dangerous and can cause death.
• Do not use damaged, oversized/undersized improperly connected cables!
• Do not pull cables over body parts!