9. Before delivering the device to the Service, it should be cleaned of possible dirt, in par�cular lubricants, paint and
especially any substances harmful to health or life.
10. Once the device is delivered, the Service will provide informa�on within 14 days as to accep�ng or refusing the
warranty claim. It is also permissible to par�ally accept the warranty claim.
11. The approximate �me for repairing the device is 14 days. If parts are not available, this �me may be extended and
the customer will be informed about this fact. If the device cannot be repaired, it will be replaced with a new one. If the
Manufacturer no longer has the model covered by the warranty, it will offer the most similar model or refund the
purchase price.
12. The warranty does not cover mechanical damage and damage resul�ng from improper opera�on:
● damage related to the use of the device, unless the cause was defects in the device at the �me of handover,
● physical and external damage, such as dents, falls from heights, cuts, abrasions, atmospheric discharges, overvoltage
in the mains and similar,
● damage resul�ng from use inconsistent with the Opera�ng Manual, including lack of device maintenance or improper
storage of the device,
● changes resul�ng from modifica�ons or repairs carried out by unauthorised persons,
● damage caused by improper connec�on to the mains or poor parameters of the mains,
● lack of the nameplate voids the warranty.
13. The warranty does not cover wearing parts such as welding guns, including wearing parts a�ached to it (insulators/
diffusers, connectors, contact �ps, gas nozzles and guards), replaced parts of the feeder (feeder rolls, wire guides),
ground clamps, electrode holders, control plugs, power plugs, unless they were inconsistent with the agreement when
the device was handed over. In the event that damage to consumable parts that are not covered by the warranty is
reported under the warranty, the Service informs the claimant about it, also providing them with informa�on about the
cost of replacing such a part. Such repairs are considered an out-of-warranty repair, and the customer bears the
transport and repair costs. This provision applies accordingly to Skandia devices damaged in a manner not covered by
the warranty.
14. In the case of out-of-warranty repairs, their cost, including the cost of delivery and return of product, are borne by
the person who made the warranty claim. However, in any case, the Service will obtain consent to perform an
out-of-warranty repair before it is carried out.
15. During transport, the product should be properly secured, for example, in original packaging, with filling preven�ng
free movement of the device and protec�ng against damage during transport. The Service and the Manufacturer are not
liable for damage to the device during transport, unless such transport was arranged by them. Therefore, in order to
protect your own rights before and a�er packaging, it is advisable to take photos that document the condi�on of the
device and the method of its securing for the dura�on of transport.
16. If the SKANDI KRAFT device is replaced with a new one, the warranty period starts when the device is delivered to
the warranty beneficiary. Where only individual parts of the device are replaced, the rule set out in the previous
sentence applies only to those parts.