AK28 HD/HD+ User Manual V1.1
2020 SIYI Tech All Rights Reserved
The “+” and “-” port on AK28 HD/HD+ sky station should be connected to the
positive and negative end on your flight controller. And the “T” and the “R” port
should be crossing connected to the “R” and the “T” serial port.
6.3 Datalink Connection with Ground Station
USB Connection
Enter “Datalink Settings” in “SIYI TX” and change the connection method to “A-
USB”. Open your ground control station and select USB connection accordingly. If
your GCS may pop up “Please confirm to authorize USB”, please tap on “Yes”.
Bluetooth Connection
Enter “Datalink Settings” in “SIYI TX” and change the connection method to
“Bluetooth”. Then activate Bluetooth function in the Android system settings and
search for Bluetooth device name as “33********”. Connect to the device and input
password “1234” to match. Go to your ground control station and connect to the
matched Bluetooth device.