WL-108 Wireless Network Modem/router 11M
URL Filter Screen
Click the "Configure URL Filter" button on the Internet screen to access the
URL Filter screen. An example screen is shown below.
Data - URL Filter Screen
Filter Strings
The list contains the current list of items to block.
To add to the list, use the "Add" option below
To delete an entry, select it and click Delete button.
To delete all entries, click the Delete All button.
Add Filter
To add an entry to the list, enter it here, and click the "Add" button.
An entry may be a Domain name (e.g. www.trash.com) or simply a
string. (e.g. ads/ )
Any URL which contains ANY entry ANYWHERE in the URL will be
Trusted PC
Trusted PC
Enable this to allow one computer to have unrestricted access to the
Internet. For this PC, the URL filter will be ignored.
If enabled, you must select the PC to be the trusted PC.
Trusted PC
Select the PC to be the Trusted PC.