Copyright © 2005 Toshiba Corporation
All rights reserved
Service Security allows you to set some OBEX related security settings.
Object Push:
When another device generates a request to send or receive a business
card, a message is displayed asking whether you will allow the card to be
sent or received.
File Transfer:
When another device generates a request to send or receive a file, a
message is displayed asking whether you will allow an FTP connection.
Selecting “Set password (OBEX)” will allow you to set a password. File
transfer will only proceed if your password is entered correctly.
When this device is connected, confirm the remote device‟s password"
option becomes available when you select the “Set password (OBEX)"
option. If this option is enabled, a simple password authentication screen
appears when you receive a connection request. A temporary password
has to be entered on both devices.
Image Transfer:
When an image is sent from another device, a message will be displayed
asking whether to allow the image to be received