SIT La Precisa spa
Electronics R& D
Viale dell’Industria 31-33
35129 Padova (Italy)
Doc. n.
11 of 13
The content of this document is property of SIT La Precisa that reserves to itself all the rights sanctioned by laws.
OIM09114_01 - User Manual (1).doc
Fan Control
There is 2 Fans; every Fan has 5 speed level + auto level + OFF level. The level is settable by “C”.
If display shows number 1 it means that the user is setting the first FAN, if press “D” button, display
shows number 2 and the user can set second FAN speed level.
Sleep function
“Sleep function” can be set, after having accessed to the related menu (see par. 10). The activation of
sleep function is postponed from the activation of a fixed time, settable (increase/decrease) at 15 minutes
interval. The remaining time to sleep activation substitutes the current time indication on the display.
After the deactivation of sleep menu (7 seconds without any key pressure or further “D” key pressure),
the countdown to sleep activation appears on the display. As soon as sleep mode activation’s occurs, the
current time is again shown.
If, during the sleep activation waiting interval a STANDBY activation is scheduled by CRONO program,
it is ignored and the operation proceeds until SLEEP intervention, while a manual STANDBY or shut
OFF disables the previous SLEEP command.
When SLEEP is on air, the shape of SLEEP icon is only active.
Crono program function
“CRONO” mode program can be set directly by “D” key pressure is the burner is OFF, otherwise
accessing to MENU navigation (see par. 10).
Once entered in program MENU navigation, the last set program is loaded, also OFF if the CRONO was
previously disabled.
When CRONO is on air, the shape of CRONO icon is only active
while the filled icon appears only
during regulation.
There are 10 weekly programs P1-P10 and 60 personal program settable in P99.
When the user is setting a personal program a icon
To disable CRONO operation set the “OFF” selection.
This function is settable also if the RF handset is OFF pressing “D” button.