65 45 177 D3492
02 05.2015
7 Data transmission
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
7.2 Network routing
Operating Instructions CEREC Radio Device
Network routing
The mobile network unit has connections to several stationary network
units that each are connected to a milling unit. Therefore the mobile
network unit has to determine which stationary network unit to use.
● The acquisition unit is in range of two stationary network units A and
● Each stationary network unit is connected to a milling unit.
● An acquisition unit wants to start transmitting data to a milling unit C.
1. The acquisition unit sends the first data to the connected mobile
network unit.
2. The mobile network unit forwards the data to both stationary network
3. Both stationary network units forward the data to their connected
milling unit.
4. Only milling unit C will process the data.
5. Milling unit C sends the confirmation.
6. The confirmation is received and forwarded by the connected
stationary network unit B.
7. The mobile network unit forwards the data to the acquisition unit.
8. The steps are repeated until the mobile network unit is certain that the
link to stationary network unit B should be used.
9. After this, the data is only transmitted to stationary network unit B.