SiriusLab Electronics
SolarSounds User Guide v1.0
A press on the FN4/SAVE button instantly enters the saved notes in bank 4.
To SAVE the current selection the device needs to be in CHORDS, SCALES or
CUSTOM mode. It will save the current arrangement of the notes in either of the
selected FN button banks.
To SAVE, press and hold the MENU/MUTE button then press FN4/SAVE. After
releasing the buttons you should hear a double beep and then 3 seconds of
silence. While the device is silent, press the FN button that you want to save the
current selection to. If the save was successful, you should hear a double beep
confirming the save process. After the successful save, the device will be in the
saved mode with the selection you have just made.
If no buttons were pressed in 3 seconds, the save command will be canceled and
the device will return to the mode it was previously in.
The device comes with preprogrammed FN buttons so the easiest way to start
playing the device is to change the FN button modes and change the amount of
light falling on the solar panel. This will make a melodic progression and can be
a base for a composition.
6. Good to know
Microcontroller used in SolarSounds has permanent EEPROM memory and all
settings are stored each and every time they something changes. If the save
process is not completed correctly(the device loses power), the memory might
get corrupted and the device won’t make expected sounds. If that happens try
pressing different buttons and cycle the power on/off until the device starts
working normally again.
If any unresolvable problems occur, the device can be resetted to the default
factory settings.
To RESET the device, press and hold all 5 buttons ( 4 FN buttons and
MENU/MUTE) while the device is turned off and then while holding the buttons
pressed expose the solar panel to the light. You should hear a demo song and
upon the next power up all settings should be resetted to the factory default.
7. Precautions
Do not spill liquids on the device. This might cause the device to
malfunction or stop operating.
Do not expose the device to unreasonable high powered light sources.
Do not expose the device to extreme heat or extreme cold.
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