XM Indoor/Outdoor Home Antenna Installation Instructions: Placed Outdoors
Step 4: Verify Signal Reception
Turn your SiriusXM Radio ON and access the Signal Indicator (or Antenna Aiming)
screen. (Consult your Radio’s User Guide for instructions on accessing the screen.)
The Signal Indicator screen shows the strength of
both the satellite (SAT) signal and the terrestrial
(ground) (TER) signal (if available).
While watching the Signal Indicator screen, rotate the antenna left or right in small
increments, as shown, until the highest possible satellite (SAT) signal strength is
While continuing to watching the Signal Indicator screen, adjust the tilt angle in small
increments, toward the horizontal or vertical positions, as shown, until the highest
possible satellite (SAT) signal strength is achieved. The installation is complete.
Step 4: V
erify Signal R