IDD-213L User Manual
Some heavy duties may need 9-Pin or 6-Pin deutsch wiring harness.
For vehicles do not have an OBD port, please use power cable to connect vehicle
battery and configure the device with tracker mode.
Start engine, then device starts OBD communication, acquiring GPS info and
Cellular network connection. Various status can be indicated by lights.
When device is the first time power on (plugged in), it will scan OBD protocol according
to pre-configured working mode (ie, passenger car or heavy duty mode), the maximum scanning
time can be up to 10 minutes, if no OBD protocol is detected during this period, device
will auto change working mode to tracker mode, if OBD protocol is detected, device will
keep its working mode. After auto scanning period device will not change working mode anymore
even it is re-plugged, unless working mode is re-configured. If tracker mode is
pre-configured device will not scan OBD protocol and keep working with tracker mode unless
working mode is re-configured.
*If GPS does not work
, please use OBD extension cable and mount the device in a proper place
to make sure GPS signal can be well received.
*If dashboard lights are abnormal after installation, please remove the device and contact
Sinocastel technical team
*Do not plug device when engine is on.
*Do not unplug device until engine is off and all device lights are off.
*After engine off device goes into sleep mode, while it still keeps working in order to
detect engine on, the current consumption in sleep is 10mA. Normally we suggest unplug
device if vehicle will be not used for more than 5 days in case of drying out vehicle battery.
*WiFi will not be enabled until device registers mobile network.