Singer Style-O-Matic 328 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 11

Содержание Style-O-Matic 328

Страница 1: ...bly 34 6 CARRTACE ASSEMBLY 36 3 6 t 1 7 KNIT RADAR ATTERN UNIT ASSN ELY DISASSEMBLY __ _ _ _ 40 7 1 How to Dlsasseoble the Knit Radar Unit 7 2 How to Disassenble the Patter n Unit B AI JITSTMENT 6 REl...

Страница 2: ...Radar Contour 2 2 leclrnlso oi Row scale 2 3 Mectan lsn of Controt Unit 2 4 How to ACjus the Rol scale 2 5 If the Kiltted Carment Differs fron the Slze of Pattern Paper 2 6 rf ttle Pati em aper slips...

Страница 3: ...0 Fig I Yarn qlip Needle Retainer Carriage Rail Needle Bed nit Radar Contour KR DiAl UNiT Change DiaI Centre Pane1 Stop Knob L Knob 11 Feeding Dial 12 Row Counter 13 carriage 14 sinker Post f5 Needle...

Страница 4: ...r Wire L 6 Risinq Cam Lever 7 Rising Cam Lever 8 Clear Cam 9 Travelling plate I0 Sub Lever Spring Sub Lever R Cam Spring Sub Drum Holder Carriage plate B Russel l ever R Carriage plate A Adjustment pl...

Страница 5: ...Fis 1 Fabric Presser L 2 Arm 3 Clearing Brush 4 Yarn Feeder 5 Gulqe Pan 6 Latch Opener R 7 Yarn Holder 8 Round Blush B 9 Fabric Gear 10 Magnet B L 1I Platting Yarn Feedet 12 Magnet B R 13 Fabric Pres...

Страница 6: ...ving Cam 4 Separation Cam 5 Sub carn 6 Main cam 7 Knit in Cam 8 Centre Can 9 Rising Can 0 Carriage Pipe 11 Guide Cam t 12 Russel Cam 13 Carriage Plate B 14 Lowering Cam 15 NeedLe cuide 16 Lowering Cam...

Страница 7: Cam 4 Separation Cam 5 Sub Carn 6 Main Cam 7 Knit in Cam 8 Centre Cam 9 Rising Cam 10 Carriage pipe 11 cuide Cam L 12 Russel c h 13 Carriage plate B 14 Lowerinqr Cam 15 Needte cuide 16 Loi rer inq...

Страница 8: ...1 4 Arm Fig a 1 Fabric presser L 3 Clearing Brush 4 Yarn Feeder 5 cuide pin 6 Latch Opener R Yarn Holde r 8 Round Brush B Y t abric Gear 10 Magnet B lr l ii il t i g iain reea r 13 Fabric presser R 6...

Страница 9: ...titch goes ove and behind the latch Yarn is fed on the hook of the needl e through the Yarn Feealer to form a new stitch the needle begins to move back as it is pushed by the other Main cam As the nee...

Страница 10: ...has many punched 3 2 Pattern Unit Fig 7 The Pattein Unit reads a pattern from a punch Card anal con_ veys it to the l lain Drum on the Carriage When the Carriage is moved across the needle bed the Fe...

Страница 11: ...I I I i E t h I Sub Drum The Sub Drum memorizes from the Touch Levers the patterns conveved and selects the neeil es via the Main Drum accordingly Sub Drum p iece Touch Lever Scanninq Finqer in a hol...

Страница 12: ...Drum can only memorize a pattern r lich_requires up to 24 needles The range of needle selection availa6le frorn a Punch Card is from 2 to 24 stitches those louch Levers remaining in a lower positj on...

Страница 13: ...i i i u t i the rower i ii iry li t or a Main Drum Piece makine l f i F i iF yl i l l i re teettr oi fn d il butt but leave the needt e betlveen rlon carh as ittustrated T i be ted behind rhe separa_...

Страница 14: ...Holi liit ij position and Lherefor6 does not activate the Sub lrum piece Accordinsty the ror paii i tr1J i i i ii piu T1lli s i a lower positio i ir p Jii tiJ uiii r corresponding neealle forwards so...

Страница 15: screws 3x6 each on the j nside of the Carriage Ho1ders on both sides of the carliage cover A Turn the Stitch Dial in it stops and then renove an anti c1ock iise direction until it by 1ift inq t Tru...

Страница 16: ...Fold the Carriage Handle backvards as indicated in the figure belovT 2 Remove the t o in a recess at Use a philip s Carriag e Screlrs bolh the foot of both sides Screlr Driver as shown of lrhich locat...

Страница 17: ...Rernove the Can Lever while the cip of a Sclev Dliver moved at the sane tine pushing out the Dial Ine carrrage cover A spring tith wil l be re l I Can Lever Dial Spring i i I i i Fig I6...

Страница 18: ...wo i Truss Head screws carriage at its ea Carriage Cover Tluss Head Screla 3x6 B Remove Carriage Cover B of the cover NOTE Do not remove the squeeze as it is Piq 17 by squeez ing cover unless possible...

Страница 19: ...n to case Cover L Turn over the machine body as sho n in two Binding gead S Tight Screws 3x6 t t o Rubber Pads as illustrated in Fig Fig 19 ancl remove located between the 20 Fig 19 Rubber Pads Bindin...

Страница 20: ...ying HandIe Supports to the tear Head Screws Head Screws i f F t I f I a fi F i f T i 3 Binding Head S Tight Screlv 3x6 r Binding Head Screws 3x12 Truss Head Screws 3xg Dismantle the KR and f Knob fro...

Страница 21: ...crevt Remove one L and two Truss Head Scte r Panel Sclews from t h Padel Y I Y I 5 Remove the Si de panel t and the Cebtre Centre Panel Unit nust be removed i n the as shordn in Fig 24 side Fi9 23 Pan...

Страница 22: ...renoval of PW Pan Head Screw To remove the cated in Pig the Centre Panel Unit renove one 3x6 from the Side Panet R e PW Pan Head Screw 3x6 r lq 25 side Paner R s lide 26 below itr t o the 1eft as ind...

Страница 23: ...4x10 and two used to secure the needle bed respectively 9 Move the needle bed to arils the left while lifting its front edge s1i9ht1y and draw it towards you The needfe bed v rill then become separate...

Страница 24: ...ub Drum Holder 1 Q o N v I r e l I i I Sl7 K Fis Renove the Sub Drum and Pl the Drum Base Loosen four sPecial Pw lr secures the Main Drum Base re rs 3x6 that secules the ch secures the Sub Drum rl9 YM...

Страница 25: ...he position of the Sub and the Drum Adjusting cear are as indicated in Fig 3I below Drum so as the aligned on the Sub Drum Axi s vertical line Drun Adjustinq cear Needle Butt Centre of Bed Slot Needle...

Страница 26: ...s to S l r rire needles move laterallr bed to check to see necner Y l i it needle butts when che Drun Ad ustrng ceal is engaged vith the n The neealles shouLd nol move rdLcrdrrr f I Druh Adjusting Gea...

Страница 27: the Centre Panel Unit anal move the Carriage sloi ly across the needle bed ff the Carriage is moved fast this r1 ould result ir1 an uneven needle selection and coulal cause damage to the needles if...

Страница 28: ...cotrect alignment of the Drum Unit causes the needles which ale gulded by the Sub Drum cear to collide leith the sepatation cam as shown in Fig 34 belorv Sub Drum Separation Can o o Fig 34 Correcting...

Страница 29: ...s active thlough the function of the clear can when the carriage is moveal Past the centre of the needle bed Adjust the Lenqth of the clear wlre by stletching or fofding the bent portion of the wire b...

Страница 30: ...el The Course Standard cauge is used to correct the distdnce Fi9 36 In the case that the alistance between the Cart iage pipe and one lain Catn differs from that betiveen the Carriage Pipe and the oth...

Страница 31: ...tting with ar i 6 lr i5 i q rn ov a needre rr r l g i iii ii li il iitim if i rr tfile9uLar tt overse strjpesj dr reo Course Stripes qorrecting l lethods Tli i l ii ni i i11r_r Bindins Head scre posit...

Страница 32: ...age sidelrays the sub cams set the the Course Fig 39 By turning the stitch Dial lhe Main Cans iiilt move towards the course Standaral Gauge ano will cone into contact with the Gauge ii irr itit h Diai...

Страница 33: ...5 n n and must Course Cam and Needle Guide also be paral1e1 Fig 4t When knitting in punch Lace or Knit_in stitches needLes move between the Weeafe Cuiae ai i If the cfearance is too narrow the n af U...

Страница 34: IY A and B foltolar carefully the r i de Plate B Fasten six ai the carrjase Plare 3 l il ri t X li3 1 l o rse stan rar r Gause d I l i I I I I 3 Fig 42 Turn the Stitch Dial to 5 and fasten the ili...

Страница 35: ...plates A and B nust be w_ithin 0 3 m rd If there is too much position of each of right or left durino stitches to float f ig 44 pldy between the Lrro Carriage plates the the Ccrms for the yarn Feerir...

Страница 36: ...5 6 Drt qn Assenb1y If it is necessalY to oraler to disassemble diagram beloh remove all parts the Main Drr m do of the Drum Unit in so following the 1 FiLg 45 34...

Страница 37: ...h a Box Dtiver fhe Main Dlum can now be disassembled Main Drum Rebound Spring Plastic Gear Wheel Main Drum Piece Fig 4Z Fig 46 3 Io assenble the l4ain Drum cale nust be taken so that the Main Drum Pie...

Страница 38: ...Plate B while at both sides before pushing lt the Cover lvith tv o 1 Truss Head doing so alovrn over S c ews t Truss screw Head 3x5 Carriage Cover B Fig 48 through calriiage cover A and secure it t n...

Страница 39: ...Lever to Stock inet vrhife pushing down anal the riavy part of the Cam Lever will fit in between the tr ro leaves of the Dial Spring Cam Lever Lace 4 l ockinet Fi9 50 lurn the cam Lever to Knit in an...

Страница 40: ...ated in Fig 52 Truss Head Scl elts 3x6 Fig 52 I iith the Carriage llandle lown as i Ilustrated in Fi9 53 liiii i v i 3 ti g and fasteninE the uro carriase Handle Screws Truss Heail screir 3x6 carriage...

Страница 41: ...g Plate Pin towarals the Dial Arbour Dial Arbour Iravelling Plate Pin Fi9 54 Place the Stitch Dial over the pin on the Diaf Arbour Dial the Cam Lever making sure cfears the groove in the that St itch...

Страница 42: ...ow to Disassemble the Knit Radar Unit Binding Head S Tight Screw 3xB S Tight Screws 3x8 the unii will become Binding Head S Tight Screrd 3xB the needles that run the push back the KR Feedino lift out...

Страница 43: ...Binding Head t o Needle Retainer Screws in a secure Position under Unit wiII become seParated 5B c TjqhL cuidc sctews 3xB and which keePs lhe Needle Retarner itrc needle bed anil the PatLern from the...

Страница 44: ...3x6 Beal Bracer A PW Pan Head remove two PW screw 3x6 Pan Heaal Screlrs Remove four Pattern Unit Fig 6o 13 n3i 13 1 ff T J i which secLlres the uecl Bracer A O Y pW pan Head Screw 3x6 Fig 6t HAOhO I k...

Страница 45: card holes to read the Pattern and to tlansnit it to the Main Drums If the Punch Card holes are Positioned so that he Scanning Fingers ale unable to protrude through them then the Touch Levers cann...

Страница 46: ...end Touch Lever ning Finger smoothly ris 63 Adj ustnent to check as enters the Card Touch Lever Scanning Finger Scanning Finqer Punch Card o oo Ito Lto 9ro Confirmation Aperture rai se to ihether or...

Страница 47: ...ght Screw 3x14 Fig 65 Sp d r1n9 4 After tenoving the parts rnentioneal above loosen tlrree scre 7s which secure the Stop Lever Holder While cl osely watching the position of the Punch Card holes and t...

Страница 48: ...op Lever towirds you is to make the setting of the Stop Lever spring more eas ihe rernoval of the Feeding Lever Col1ar is to p event the parrl on the Feeding Ratchet StoppeL plaie from being danaged S...

Страница 49: ...with those corresponding holes on the Needfe Bed Bracer A and insert four PW Pan HeaC screUs 3x6 anal fasten them 2 On the rear screws 3x5 Fig 68 side of Bracer A inselt two Pw Pan Head anil fasten th...

Страница 50: ...Fiq 70 to the needle the Bracer A bed so that is kept even vernier ca 1i pers Secure Needle Binding Head Needle Retainer Scre Fi9 Z0 Bed_Bracer A co the needte bed wjth four c r lght Cuide Screws 3x8...

Страница 51: ...Insert an Np Card into the Centre panel Loosen six pW pan Head Screws 3x6 which secures the pattern Base to the Needle Bed Bracer A Fig t2 2 As shoJrn in Fig 73 move the Carriage so that the Main Dru...

Страница 52: ...ed by a Driving Carn on the rea siile on the Carriage 9 74 2 when the Feeding Lever is raised to a position on the top of lii nii L g cami ttre Feeding Lever cotlar is also r aise l At tiii p i l it i...

Страница 53: ...n the attached to the justment Collar too nuch cleatance between Ratchet Wheel remove an E Stop Lever Base in order to with a more suitable one the Feeding Pawl Snap Ring 3 exchange the Ad Adj ustment...

Страница 54: ...urenent I t Fig 7l l fn case the dinension between the Rail and Rack is too large a If the dimension is too l I in o rrn Jniu i a i ii t 9 jt gives too much ol or ria rii ii ji l 8 i HTi j ii i ir b A...

Страница 55: ...ndard position so thaE the selected needles when moved back wjlt coltide with the Separation Cam b Sub Drun Latch Needle Fig 79 Correcting Methods When the dimension is smaller or larger than Rack the...

Страница 56: ...n the belo diao fron rhe part wict r rlllli Tl ttt lengt or Lhe fab 1 lstl1 or rhe rabric 9lT i l l if ini I ifl sion becomes i h 1 I side wirh a r oir r ainen_ L are equal tr t r ir r iu 1 both ende...

Страница 57: ...rrU 5 1 Vernier Calipers Pig 83 Correcting Methods L The difference beiween both lengths of the fabric ected by rnoving forwatd or backwards the Sinkers duce the difference of measurement to 0 2 or O...

Страница 58: ...Needle Bed Blacer Fig 85 3 Insert a 1R m thick steel plate between the Front Edge of the Needle Bed and the Sinkers as shovrn in Fig 86 While pressing dolrnv ards push it in the arrow rnarke6 ditectio...

Страница 59: ...a Hexagonal Nut located belok the por_ tion of sinkers which require adj il rl Loosen Binding C Tight Guide Screws 3x8 which secures the Needle Bed Bracers A B and c to tn Ji i Press the Sinkers indi...

Страница 60: ...rachine has been j i i i s ii lf Il i t to the nain body of _ i 1 1 Lne Knir Radar unir L rdt used for the disassembfy Insert and tighten four secure the Knit Radar to Fig B9 Binding Head the nachine...

Страница 61: ...elor4 2 Insert and secure two Handle Supports two Hanalle Supports and one to the rear of t he Knit Fig 9I Binding Head Screws 3x12 into the Truss Head Screws 3xB between the Binding Head S Tight Scre...

Страница 62: ...Lwo Special Flat Head S Tight Scre s bed with four Binding Head Special FIat Head S Tight Screh s Fig 93 3 L and secure ir with 33i1 i u r r 4x10 Binding Head Tight Screw R one Special anal secure s 3...

Страница 63: ...nto the Centre Panel oee I Fis 95 Turning over the body secure the neeclle by inserting and fastening tiro Binding 3x6 NOTE When turning over the machine be Radar Dials and Pattern Uni t Knobs edge Se...

Страница 64: ...tom surface of Needle Sinker 0 0 3 n i 1 5 2 cn n 0 3 1 0m n P S The cleaiance between Sinkers and edge of Fabric Presser Yarn Feealer Latch Needle PN 0 0 3 Fig 9 The clearance betweeo real edge of Ya...

Страница 65: ...l the clearance betrveen the Slnkers anal the edge of the t aarrr c Preqser w S 0 0 5mlm The clearance between the rear ealge of the Yarn Feeder and Sinkers r1 I 1 P N Clearance Fi9 99 In case a cLear...

Страница 66: ...weak Fig 101 2 If the Fabric ptesser is positioned lorret than the stanalard lequirenent it cannot puah up the needles in i io tfr rel ative position of the needles becomes lowei ioi trru yurn Feedet...

Страница 67: ...ches the needles hlle movi ng the Carriage fron left to right 3 When the edge of the Fabtic Pressex does not touch the needles relnove the Arn from the Carriage place the Arm with its face alokrnwards...

Страница 68: ...Yarn clearance to the Fabric anal at the Feeiier anii vTiLhin 0 0 0 3 m m Presser touches the same tirne there must oeedles as shom in to the extent lo rer part of the be a clearance Fig 104 YN ri9 10...

Страница 69: ...bed in the direction of the part of the pabric presser that requires adjustment and pull the edge of the presser donnwards wiih your hinci as in_ dicated ln Fig 10 6 Adjust both l llustrated Fabric P...

Страница 70: ...vances as it moves in the tion lrith the needle arroweal di lec c The Fabric Presser serves to stop the stitches advancjng with the needles anal also to Push the fab ric behind the needle latches But...

Страница 71: ...e 5 2 0 m n as Sinker P S 1 5 2 O Fiq 110 1 Loosen six Binding Head Screws 3x5 three on each siale on the back of the Fabric Pressers l lake a clearance of more than 2 0 n n and tighten the screlrs to...

Страница 72: ...2 Adjust the P S clearance to within the range of while tapping with the handle of a Screw Driver Presser as descr ibed in the diaqram below I 5 2 0 n m the Fabric Fig lI2...

Страница 73: ...Y S qlearance is nore than 1 0 fil m In knitting Punch Lace the Nylon Thread canno be caught lh ili of the oeedles which are to knit the main yarn In knitting the Weaving and Punch Lace Pattelns the n...

Страница 74: ...ii Le adjusted to ithin the ranse of iit i aiia requirernent o o 3 n n rl the clearance betvr een iii v t r a t a a ti netares is wider adjusL it bv insert i i iiii pf ae itashe between the Yarn Feed...

Страница 75: out later C o o o oooo o o o o o o ooococo o o o Q CO OC o weaving Fig 117 1 causes of Failute Impelfect adjustnent ot the Weaving Brush In case the weaving Brushes are ina lequately al ltam uelow...

Страница 76: ...knitted Loosen the Binding Screws 3xg securing the Weaving Brushes lii Ii i the cleaiance between the Fabric Presse and the Brushes i itiin the range of 0 3 0 0 m m 3 1 o aaliust the weaving BrLlshes...

Страница 77: ...n the cutting edge of the Fabric Presser correctinq Methods Cause 1 aeo Nornal 3 t r Fasten loosen In case of Medium Yarn a If the tension put on the yarn is too weak the stiLches n i11 come otf the w...

Страница 78: ...appens rethread the yarn correctly the neealle is bent ii cannot open or close and stitches to drop Straighten the laLch ieith a pair irreparable replace it with a new one Cause 3 If the Carriage is m...

Страница 79: by extrienely fast speed Eig L24 Cause 4 If the stitches on both sides of the fabric are loose or seem to i uns tn ettt orv weishts on lhe fabric as ilfust fated In t tg Lz claw weight Fiq 125 weig...

Страница 80: ...65 to 70 cause 6 If there is a burr on the cutting edge of the pabric ptesser the yarn may get caught and consequently the stitches may drop File such a bulr with either Enery paper or with an oil st...

Страница 81: ...KR Feeding Lever 5 Ratchet wheel 6 Change cam 7 KR Feeding l ever Spring 8 Row Feeding Le 1er 9 Fliction Disc L0 Row scale 11 Pan Holder sPring 12 cs SnaP Ring 3 l 3 Paper llolder 14 Rolfer 15 scale H...

Страница 82: ...ame R Unit Fig 128 I Set Wheel 2 Feed PawI 3 Ratchet Wheel 4 KR Feeding Lever 5 change Cam A 6 KR Feeding Lever Unr 7 Feeding lever collar 8 Row Feeding Lever 9 Friction Disc 10 SPring Ho lder ll Row...

Страница 83: ...tting Pattern Papel 2O sheets of ready to use Pattern Papel are included vr ith the nachine These patterns are re luced io half size Refer to the fnltti g Machine Instruction Book for usage sl it ch S...

Страница 84: ...tion wheel at a constant pace through the KR Peeding Lever then the Fliction Wheel transmits the movement to the Friction Disc affixed to the Platen Shaft Therefore the feeding anount of the P1aten is...

Страница 85: ...lihqg lj Eol NunLber Dial isn of leedin Mechan I I I I I I I I I I I I I Feedins Diar F I Row Feeding Lever I iG Feedins Lever I Ratchet Wheel I Friction Disc and Wheel I Reducing Mechanisn I I I I Sc...

Страница 86: ...he Ro Scale rovs to feed the pattern by 25 cms With the Ro r Scale set at 44 you are able to knit 220 4 rows within 25 crns If the rows knitted are less than the Standard number 220 4 toosen the Hexag...

Страница 87: ...size l collar is used The Feed Pawl engages the Ratchet wheel incortectly and the Notch roifer wllf come t6 the wrong lrcsition If the Feeding Lever collar is larger than the correct sized collar the...

Страница 88: ...ler staYs as shown in Fig the Ratchet whee1 exchange the one 134A when the Feed Feeding Lever Co Fiq 134 A In case the Notch Roller stays as Feed Pawl engages with the RaLchet collar for a smalle one...

Страница 89: as far as it will 9o In case of cause 2 Loosen the Pan Heail screw 3x5 seculing the Pape Holding Adjusting Plate on the Frame L and nove it as shown in Piq I35 so that the horizontal lines on the P...

Страница 90: ...cting Methods If the Platen moves laterally in Fiq 136 The allo ance for between 0 l 0 3 m n Insert washers The Platen is incorrectly assembled anal lnoves tateralty insert washers as shown movement i...

Страница 91: be pre cisely equal at all Points Check the dlmenslon betreen the Rail and Slnkers Dlnension L o ll Instruct lhe operalor to operate the machine at as even a speed as pcssible both at the start and...

Страница 92: ...tches to float Adj ust the rabric Pre ssers P N Clearance Check holt the edge of the Fabric Plessers touch the needles Adj ust the Fabric re ssers P N clearance f the clearance bet the edge of the abr...

Страница 93: ...Auto Tension the yarn sags and stltches cone off lhe hooks due lo insufficient yarn Ten sion lnstruct the operator o correctly thread the yarn lhr ough the ol rl PI ol l Check how needle l at ches op...

Страница 94: ...ther Course S ripes occur Adjust the Maln Caos so lhat they may be cortectly positloned Instruct the operator ro knir ar speed as posslble Even if the nachine is in order Couise Stripes happen de Pend...

Страница 95: ...ces If there is too wide a clearance bet reen the Touch l evers and Main Drun Pleces Touch 1 e vers are prevented froB pushlng the ltain Dlun Pleces sufficiently and a poor menory re su1ts acconPanled...

Страница 96: ...correct along with the Needle Bed Grooves and Dru Unit Adj ust the Positton of the Drun ljnit The clearance between the Rail and Needle If the clearance betlteen Rail and Needle Bed Rack is incorrect...

Страница 97: ...0f the Needle Bed Slider car rlage Pipe and Cams etc are proPerlY lubricated Adjust lhe P S Clearance If the edge of the Fabric ressers are too high or cone in contact L ith lhe Slnkers the cariiage g...
