Singer 66-18 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 15

Содержание 66-18

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Страница 2: ...specially prepared for sewing machines Use SINGER Motor Lubricant on Motor The SINGER Motor Lubricant is especially prepared for lubricating the bearings of the electric motor This is a pure non fowin...


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Страница 5: ...ade Marks on any rnachine that has been repaired rebuilt reconditioned or altered in any way whatsoever outside a Singer factory or an authorized Singer agency is forbidden Genuine SINGER Needles shou...

Страница 6: ...d datrting ale eccornplished ls instructed on Pages 56 and 57 SINGER SERVICE Norv that ou have purchlsed vournew SINGER r e do rtot want You to fecl that your relations ivith us have come to an end Yo...

Страница 7: Before Connecting Motor to Electric Service Line Obtain the following inl ormation frorn the Elec tric Light Compan5 rvhich supplics the electlic curlent for the circuit to rvhich the motor is to b...

Страница 8: ...tch F Iig 2 in a clock Yisc direction To Rernove and RePlace the Bulb Frc 2 First remove the lens G Fig 2 from the spot lisht shade bv turning the lens tb disengage the hlgs oi th lnn from the lugs on...

Страница 9: ...ot run the machinc x ith the prcsscr foot resting on the feed ithout cloth under the presscr foot Do not run the machine when both bobbin case and nccdle are t hreaded unless there is material under t...

Страница 10: After connccting the electric cord to the outlet pross thc knoe eurrtloller to thc right or dopross tlre foot rontroller As t lre pressure on the knpp rotrttollct rr fuot controller is incleased th...

Страница 11: ...rH ri IloBBr upon the bohbin ejeetor lt Fig rlris rr ill r uise llr bohbin so thet it can easily be tiknn out Genuine SINGER Needles should be used in SINGER Machines These Needles and their Containe...

Страница 12: ...lcased u hcn required thus permitting the winding of bobbrn rvithout running tlie stitching mechanism To relcase the balance u heel P turn the stop motion screrv ovcr torl ard you It is nccessary to h...

Страница 13: ...nee controller or depress thc foot eontroller as lor soving The end of the thread must be hold by hand until a feu coils a r e rvountl and slxrultl then be broken off l ig 5 shorvs the bobbin rvinder...

Страница 14: of the left hand the thread leading on top from the right torvard the left as shos n in Fig 6 Frc 6 Roprlcr c rrrE BoBBTN Place the bobbin into the bobbin casc end dla the thrcad into the slot 1 Fi...

Страница 15: ...e tcnsion spring until it rcaches the notch 2 Fig 8 thcn pull the thread torvard the right as shorvn in Fig 8 I rti 8 Boanr r C_lsu Tano roro When closing the slido sec thul the thread is in the slul...

Страница 16: ...n Place tlre spool of thread on the spool pin at thc top of tire machine Iead thc thread into the thrcad guide 1 at the left down under and fl om right to left betrvccn the tcnsion discs 2 into the sm...

Страница 17: ...z I rc 10 Uplnn Tsrrrrorxc...

Страница 18: ...pend rng upon rrhich side of llre needle tire material is to be loceted so thal u hcn the oresser foot is lol eled the ihrcads uill br firmly held betrveen tlre leed and the presser foot in thc throat...

Страница 19: ...e and bobbin threads should be Iockcd in thc center of the thick ness f thc rnatorinl tlrus rc 12 I pnrncr Srrrcn If the tcnsion on thc nccdle thread is too tight or if thet on the holrhin tlrread is...

Страница 20: ...You To decttase tlrt terr si n luttr llris sclo o cl l 11 ln u Whon tLc telrsioll on tlre hohbin t hreatl lrr hc rl once properll adjusted it is seltlrrn necessar 1 to charrg e it as i correct stitch...

Страница 21: ...ivn Thc plessure should be only hcavy enough to plevent the material from rising rvith the needle and to enablc the feed to move the work along evenly The heavier the ma_ terirl the ieavier the prr ss...

Страница 22: ...unlcttercd arrov s in Figs 17 and 18 bne d op of oii at each point is sufficicnt Oii holes ar p ovid d in the machine for bcarings u hich can not be directly reached To oil the mechanisn r under the...

Страница 23: ...a round plate or cover fastened by a thumb screwl loosen the scrcrv turn the plate uprvard and fasten by tightening thc screu turn the balance u heei sior ly and oil the moving parts inside then turn...

Страница 24: ...lubricant for approxin rately six months use under oldinarv circum ttances At least once evcl y six Inu ths therca fter tht se sr asc tubes should be rcfillcd rvith thc Singer N otor ubricant furnishe...

Страница 25: ...ctod belotr and on thc follorvins page ancl rernov eny lint etc rvhicli h rr latcd in the n rachine To Remove the Bobbin Case Oeonrron IlEr e T rrrc Iinorr or rao Iecarxo Raise tiie ncedie to its higl...

Страница 26: ...this scrcu rvill change the clcarance for the thread between the bobbin case and the bobbin case position bracket Frc 22 Rruovrxc tqr Bonnrs C rsp Hold the bobbin case betu ccn the forefinger and the...

Страница 27: ...uoN Bn lcror Hold the bobbin case betrveen the forefingcr and thumb of the left hand as shou n in Fig 22 Insert the folked end of the bobbin case under the throat plate so that the fork straddles the...

Страница 28: ...ace the slidc from the right as shon n in Fig 24 bcing carcful to see that the trvo encls of thc spring S Fie 2 1 enter the grooves on the underside of the slide Genuine SINGER Needles should be used...

Страница 29: ...lo A krgc rrelclle and threail to colre spond should be used irn ireavv York see page 60 See that the needlc is lot beut and avoid puiling tlrl matlrill hln siitclr lrg Breaking of Needle Thread If th...

Страница 30: ......

Страница 31: to tighten the screu firmly so that the Hcmmer will not becorne loose when the machine is running Turn the balance u heel slou y to make sure that the needie goes through the center of the needle...

Страница 32: ...ld 3 Drau thc matcrial tol arcl you through the Hcmmcr as sholn in tr ig 26 at tirc santr time nraking thc secortcl fold at thc vorl cdge Ct inlittlte to dlan the rnatclial through the Hcmmer until th...

Страница 33: ...See Fig 27 7 I l rc 27 lrxr r Hutt l rtrt tul l oot Huluptt Making a Hemmed Searn with the Foot Hemmer The hcmmcd seam i s vr r1 plnctical to use ort ur lel vc r of irl fact on ll1 gal mcllt tr Iie tc...

Страница 34: ...t to the g lrment if tlesircd First open the u ork out flat then place the rem in the scroll of the Hemmer u hich acts as a guidc holding thc edge of the hcm in position u hile it is being stitched If...

Страница 35: ...vhecl and catch the edge 6f the lace rvjth the needle Guide the hem u ith ihe right hand and the lace rvith the left Care should bc taken not to stretch thc lace as it is being fed into the Hemmer It...

Страница 36: ...hc Hernrner and moving thc scale to the right or left until the hem turncd is of the desircd rvidth Place the cloth under thc Hemmer and draw the eclgc torvard thc lcft under the scale as shorvn in Fi...

Страница 37: ...rrr r il f illjr r r 3r Frc 31 to the right as far as it u ill go then srT ing it torrard you as shorvn in Fig 31 and tightcn the thumb scrcu Fold and cleasc dorrn a hcm of the dcsired s idth pass th...

Страница 38: ...hed to the machine in the same mannei Attach the Binder to the pres ser bar Turn the balancc rvheel slolrly toward you to make sure that the Binder is properly attached to the bar and that the needle...

Страница 39: ...s for use rr ith the Binder must measure j in w idth Tlie No 5 Frc 35 Irronr Foruoo Brsorrc r ursrDE SLor rvidth in standard brands usually measurcs 1f btt it is ah r ays rvell to be sure of this befo...

Страница 40: ...ous materials and conditions require diffelent adjustments of the Ilindcr to br ing thc stitching close to the edge A u ider adjustmont of the Rintltii is required rvhen bincling curvcs than is neccss...

Страница 41: ...properll Thc ecige to be bound mr rst be allorved to pa ss freclr Iirc 37 IJr rprrc rs C r rsron Cunvr thlough the scloll and should not be crowded gainst ilr iliil of it Guiiling should be flom thc...

Страница 42: u ill then become puckcred and do not strctch the material or the curve rrijl not be the proper hape irhcn finishcd If the stitching does not catch the edge of the binding the scroll should be aclj...

Страница 43: rotvs whcre antcd THE EDGE STITCHER This useful attachment ts faslened to lhe maelrine in place of the Pres ser foot and will be found an indisPensabltr aid lr henever stitching must be kept accura...

Страница 44: ...lrfl prrt a drop of oit under the btue sp ing rnen 11p0 It orJ Sewing Lace Together with the Edge_Stitcher It is difficult to seiy tryo hce cdgcs together cven rlter baslirrq hul th cdge stitclior rt...

Страница 45: ...piping Irrrlerirl Phce tlr ninirre itlr its finislrcd ot1ge to tlre lr t in slrrt 3 ipig lt Phco the cdge to be piped in slot 4 as shou n itr Fic 1 Fit irro sh ultl nrefcrr6lv e eut hi rs rnt slroult...

Страница 46: ...d cunlinue stitcliing rs iitil it rr i i1 ir t W ltiltr rg iir Fro 44 Prprrc rrrri rED Eocc Srrrcurn shown in Fig 45 To space trvo or morc parallel rows a guide line such as a creese chalk mark or bas...

Страница 47: ...t 5 as shorvn in Fis 6 end adjust to stitch as closc to thc edge as desired Making a French Seam An cven French seam mlr be made bv irtseltinq thc ts o edees to be ioincd wrong sidcs together in slot...

Страница 48: ...ting the edge stitchcr to right or left for the desircd u idth of tuck up to Jd inch Successive tucks ma1 bc easill crea secl b5 folding the material at the desirr d clistance from the previous tuck a...

Страница 49: ...long stitch and tight tension To increasc the full ness of the gathers Iengthcn thc stitch To dccrease the fullness shorten the stitch I rc 49 Tau G lrsonun r t Oppnarro l With the gatherer it is pos...

Страница 50: ...or embroidorv silk of contiasting cirlol oi the bobbin Fig 51 slio s a white organdie collal rlrd euff sol itll ted lrrd gr cn smocking mado u illr llrt gallrere r using fine cl uclret coilon or ta li...

Страница 51: ...lou s t rt i2 I se Rur r ER llp rrs P lnrs Line l the correct position for the material to s hich the rufficd material is applied Line 2 material to be ruffied Line 3 the facing for the ruffic Line 4...

Страница 52: ...plaits G Spp ln lroR GurDE the guidc on the underside of the ruffler containing slots into rvhich thr edgc of thc material is placed to keep the heading of the ruffic even also for scpar rting tlie ma...

Страница 53: ...orrvard and back once at every stitch Insert the matclial to be ruffled bctrveen the tu o blue blades follorving the line 2 in Fig 52 Draq the matcrial slightl1 back of the needle lower the presscr ba...

Страница 54: ...of thc ruffied seam can be bound by using thc Binder To Ruffie and Sew on a Facing in One Operation Insert the matcrial to be ruffied bctrvcen the tu o blue bladcs follou ing the line 2 in Fig 52 Plac...

Страница 55: ...lace the right sides of the garment and the ruffie together Frc 15 Piping a Ruffie Insert the material to be ruffied bcts een the tivo blue blades follorving the line 2 in Fig 52 This Frc 56 material...

Страница 56: i in Fig 52 To Adjust the Ruffier for Plaiting Raise the adjusting lever E Fig 57 and move it to thc right so that the projection D Fig 57 Frc 57 will enter the slot marked 6 in the adjusting lever...

Страница 57: ...g by lifting the adjusting lever E Fig 58 and moving ffli l Fro 5t it to the right so thal the lop of the projeetion rD Fis 53ientors thc small slot indieotcd by the stu or t th adjusting lever This s...

Страница 58: ...throush tLc e1 e in the throad roguhtor F ig jg rrt rho left of the tens on drscs and noi urL ier the thrr att regulator ith this exception thc threadins is the samc as for regular scrving isnc Fig 10...

Страница 59: ...57 YV Frc 59 Ilr sr rE I HRE DED oR ETIBRoIDEnY lxp D lRsrsc...

Страница 60: ...needlc or a machine necdle u itliout eye strain As shou n on the following page it also serves Tgnoeotrc Nnnolo lytlu SINGXR Nppolr Tunu rocn as a seam ripper with a blade set at just the right angle...

Страница 61: ...job when you use the SINGER Seam Ripper and OPPNrxc SPalr wrrt SINGER Soru RrPPon Iaronur GntppPn Holos Crots Material Gripper as sho n above The gripper acts as a third hand holding your material whi...

Страница 62: ...olens finn drcss o lk rrrd Ioll r s rlrirl rics and frLri frrrrrishinc Fur srrrocks 60 tu g0 Cou tr an l rnFn r tin 51 r F ur gcn B Silk T isr oral houselruld crring for fine q uilt ine l8 lL c _v rr...

Страница 63: ...tain the best stitching results from your sewing machine if it is fitted with a SINGERn Needle ITSINGERI Needles can be purchased from any SINGER Shop or SINGER Salesman IISINGERIT Needles are con tai...

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