Singer 21 w 180 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 6

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -

Содержание 21 w 180

Страница 1: ...uperior Sewing Machine Supply LLC www supsew com INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING SINGER SEWING MACHINES l iaehine No 22 w if Nos 21 w 180 21 w 182 22 w 165 to 22 w 170 22 w 172 and 22 w 173 COMPOUND FEED THE SINGER MANUFACTURING Co ...

Страница 2: ...o sPt Pa h sti C h prop rly A change in the length of stitch does not disturb their relative movements 21 w 180 The SJH cific designation of each SingPr Sewing l fachine consists of two numbers Sl parated by a hyphPn or ll Ller and st ampPd upon a number plate which is attached to lhe machine usually upon the arm The number before LhP hyphPn or ll Lter designates t11 Class t o which Uw machinP lwl...

Страница 3: ...ass and variety numlwrs sPparal d by N The following are d tails of an int lligiblc order 100 No 11 12 N 2 N Pd Ps 100 No 16 12 N l Nc lb lI RELATIVE SIZES OF NEEDLES AND THREAD 1 1 LK TI I l H HJ LOTII Nl W SIZE NOS orn N SILK C TT N f Lh I NEl nu s 1 0 111 711 1011 l iO I I 11 i 111 11 I I Xll 10 1 10 70 Xll It 1i I lil 70 I m IJ IJ lill B Iii w 1 11 1 IX 1 1 1 m Jll II ll 1 rn I 22 Iii _ I _ I ...

Страница 4: ...arings at hot h n ls of trmdk pitman and shaft and all other movable parts of transmittPr el AftPr oiling take out Uw bobbin run tlw machine rapidly for a minute and thl n wipC off all supC rfluous oil Vlwn a rna hine has hPPn rn g pd ed or lwconws gummed it should lw soakPd wp with benzine and run for a short tinw kePping all parts flood d with oil unt il it rnns frpp y tlwn wipP thoroughly to n ...

Страница 5: ...hreading thP needlP prPss down on the roller and swing it to the left lI d To Thread Two Needle Machines The thrPad leading from the tension discs back under tlw thrPad controller is passed through the upp r ho p in tlH takP up lever and down through the inside guidPs and npc dlP toward tlw inside hook ThP outside nPcdle is Ibreaded from the right toward Ib oulsidP hook To Remove the Bobbin J pmov...

Страница 6: ...fill more than three layers from its Lop edge bdore throwing the bobbin winder out of action Knee Lifter The knPP lifter is used for raising the presser foot by knee pressure against the knee plate leaving both hands free to manipulate the work If the knee lifter does not raise the presser 7 1 l I l foot satisfactorily adjust Uw rod in the rock lever which c on nects with the rod in the arm of the...

Страница 7: loosen the tension Caution Do not try to adjust the upper tension wlwn the presser foot is up as the tension is then loose I Fig 10 To Regulate the Length of Stitch Raise fePd rPgulating handle Lo shorten and lower it to lengthen the stitch Moving lever Q changes the tbrow of th nPPdl 111d movpment of the feed dog without disturbing tlwir rt latin posit ions If tlw stiteh changPs h ngth while t...

Страница 8: ...TRUCTIONS FOR ADJUSTERS AND MACHINISTS Fi 11 Thread Controller The function of the thrcad controllcr spring is to hold l ll L Llw slack of the upper thread until the eye of the nePdlt reaches Uw goods in its descc nL The thrcad controllcr slop is in the form of a Tl Set nf push on the upper end of the st op for lcss cont roller action and on the lower end for more cont rollPr act ion on t he threa...

Страница 9: throat ho P centrally if it d ws not adjust Lhe fePd dog The nePdle and presscr bars should lw inch apart wlH n the fecd is shut off no mowment of the goods If they are not loosen the two scn ws in the n dlP bar frame driving crank above w sec Fig 2 and change the adjustment until he needle and presser bars are ginch apart To Set the Needle Bar The necdle bar which is in t hc rnachim wh n ship...

Страница 10: ...e n0edle loos n the hook saddle screws just enough to permit the saddle to be driven with light blows to the position desired and rdight Pn the hook saddle screws Needle Guard The needle guard which is part of the hook washer should stand out far enough to prevent the point of the hook from striking the needle but not out far enough to prevent the point of the hook from catching the loop Berni the...

Страница 11: ...n the screw holPs are uppermost then turn the position screw firmly down into the shaft and set the check screw tightly upon it The end play of the upper shaft is taken up by means of the screw in the end of the shaft at the balance wheel Balance Wheel The balance wheel is counter halanced to prPvent PXCPssive vibration of the machine and the shaft is grooved for the posit ion screw to enter and c...
