“ON” time readings in general are taken by reading the values at the upper and lower
extremes of the pointer swing as the coding contact is repeatedly made and broken, and
determining the average or center reading.
“FAST” and “SLOW” positions provide a choice of meter ballistics, and the one to be
selected will be determined by the pulse rate and personal preference.
In the “FAST” position, the center value stabilized quickly, but the spread between upper
and lower readings will be wider, particularly with the low pulse rates.
In the “SLOW” position, time must be allowed for the reading to “settle,” but, except for the
lowest pulse rate, there will be virtually no pointer oscillation, and percent “ON” time can be
read directly from the scale.
For safety of the operator, servicing of the TS-113, other than replacement of batteries or
fuses, should be referred to one of the Simpson Authorized Service Centers.