© 2007 Simpson Strong-T
ie Company Inc.
© 2007 Simpson Strong-T
ie Company Inc.
HOW tO lOad and FIre tHe ptp-27asMaGr
and ptp-27alMaGr tOOls
6. Make sure the tool is perpendicular
to the work surface. Fully depress
the tool against the work surface,
then pull the trigger.
7. Adjust the power regulator down
if necessary. Dial down the power
to ¼ down from full
8. Remove the spent powder
strip load by grasping the
strip from the top side of the
tool and firmly pull upwards
in a smooth motion.
dIsMantlInG tHe ptp-27asMaGr
and ptp-27alMaGr tOOls
The PTP-27ASMAGR and PTP-27ALMAGR tools have wearable parts that
occasionally need replacing, and the tool requires periodic cleaning.
To dismantle the tools:
1. Pull back on the baseplate
spring latch.
2. Turn the baseplate ¼ turn and slide
the baseplate with magazine off the
front of the tool.
3. Slide the barrel out of the
front of the tool.
4. Pull the piston out of the
front of the barrel.
5. Slide the rubber returner and piston
disk off the piston.
The front of the tool is now