1. Click the setting icon then
select edit frame
3. Name your frame and press
4. Frame name is changed
2. Select the frame you want
to edit, click on “Name”
Frame Email
Frame Email
Frame & Friends’ management
B. Removing a Frame
A. Edit Your Frame’s Name
1. Click the setting icon then
select edit frame
: If you have only one frame (The
Master Frame) You will not be able to
delete that frame.
To remove the Master Frame, you will
have to use the factory reset function in
the setting’s menu
2. Select the frame you want
to remove, and press Remove
Frame Email
C. Revoking a permission to send photos
1. To remove a friend’s permission to send
photos to your frame, go to
“Settings-Manage User”
2. Select the friend you want to remove.
3. Select “Delete User & Photos” to remove
your friend. Your friend will no longer be able
to send photos to your frame
1. Click on the Facebook icon and log in to your facebook account
2. All your folders and timeline photos will be shown in the App. To send photos to your frame, click on the frame to send photos to and then select the photos to
send, and then press the
“Send Photos”
3. To return to the home page, click on the home icon.
B. Sending photos from Facebook
Mom’s frame
John’s frame
Mom’s frame
John’s frame
Mom’s frame
John’s frame