SimpliPhi Power, Inc. | 420 Bryant Circle | Ojai, CA 93023, USA | +1 (805) 640-6700 | [email protected] |
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Charge Controller Integration Per Manufacturers Recommendations
24-Volt System
PRODUCT: PHI2.6™ - 24V 5,000 Cycles 10,000 Cycles
2621 Watts, 24V/102.4Ah Same
System Type
Residential/Commersial/Stationary Same
Solar System Voltage
24V 24V
Wind System Voltage
24V 24V
Charge Controllers
SMA. Schneider. Outback (and others) Same
Equalized Support
Off Off
Capacity Limit
45 to 90A 45 to 90A
Equalized Voltage
Off Off
Recharge Volts
23.2V 24.5V
Bulk Voltage
27V 27V
Absorb Voltage
28.8V 28V
Float Voltage
If used on a daily, weekly, or monthly use case then Off.
Self-Discharge is <1% per month
Equalized Support
Off Off
Capacity Limit
45 to 90A 45 to 90A
Equalized Voltage
Off Off
Recharge Volts
23.2V 24.5V
Bulk Voltage
27V 27V
Absorb Voltage
28.8V 28V
Float Voltage
If used on a daily, weekly, or monthly use case then Off.
Self-Discharge is <1% per month
Equalized Support
Off Off
Capacity Limit
45 to 90A 45 to 90A
Equalized Voltage
Off Off
Recharge Volts
23.2V 24.5V
Bulk Voltage
27V 27V
Absorb Voltage
28.8V 28V
Float Voltage
If used on a daily, weekly, or monthly use case then Off.
Self-Discharge is <1% per month