Assembly instructions for kit #16
This is not a Lego® product even if it contains Lego® bricks and plates. All warranties provided by Simple Motors.
LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this product.
All rights reserved. 2014 Simple Motors, LLC
7. Attach the magnets to the 1x2 bricks.
8. Place the coil on the stands and try to spin it slightly. Well balanced coil should spin freely.
Ideally it should stop in random positions. Take time to balance it. You might need to move
the ends up and down along the coil slightly to find the most balanced position.
9. You may add two beads on the coil ends. These beads reduce the friction between the coil
and the stands.
If you want to measure the speed of your motor bend the coil ends as shown. Visit
for information on how to measure
the speed of rotating coil in RPM.