SIM908 EVB kit User Guide
6 Illustration
6.1 GSM part
6.1.1 Running
Connect the SIM908 module to the 60pins connector on the SIM908 EVB, insert the 5V DC
source adapter, switch shifter S101 on the RUN state, shifter S102 on the ON state;
Connect the GSM antenna to the SIM908 module using an antenna transmit line, insert SIM
card into the SIM card interface, and insert headphone or handset into relevant interface.
Press the GSM_ON/OFF button Z101 for about 2 seconds, then the GSM part of SIM908 is
powered on.
Note: You will see the light GSM_NET on the EVB glittering at a certain frequency corresponding to various
states, then you can judge whether the EVB and SIM908 is running or not. No function and test can be
executed when we have not connected necessary accessories.
6.1.2 Connecting Net and calling
(1) Connect the serial port line to the GSM_MAIN serial port, open the HyperTerminal (AT
command windows) on your personal computer, the location of the HyperTerminal for
Windows XP is START →All programmes→ Accessories→ communications
Figure 17: open Hyper Terminal
SIM908_EVB kit_ User Guide _V1.00