SIM300 EVB User Guide
SIM300_EVB_UGD_V1.00 Page 4 of 6
Photo.2 EVB BOTTOM view
A: SIM300 module interface
B: SIM card interface
C: headset interface
D: Download switch, turn on or off download function
E: VBAT switch, switch the voltage source from the adaptor or external battery
F: PWRKEY key, turn on or turn off SIM300
G: RESET key
H: expand port, such as keypad port, main and debug serial port, display port
I: MAIN serial port for downloading, AT command transmiting, data exchanging
J: DEBUG serial port
K: hole for fixing the antenna
L: source adapter interface
M: light
N: buzzer
O: headphones interface
P: hole for fixing the SIM300
EVB accessory
Photo.3 EVB accessory
A: antenna
B: antenna transmit line
C: serial port line
D: headset
E: headphones
F: 5V DC source adapter