Bomi Furniture P/L trading as Silver Lynx ABN 99 006 489 541 11-17 Sages Road Glenroy Victoria 3046 Australia
T:+61 3 9359 4000 F:+61 3 9359 4322 E:[email protected]
Place support rail under the side rail as per diagram below. Line up holes on support
panel and side rail metal frame and secure it using 1x 50 mm button head bolt and 1x hexagon
nut. (only finger tight)
Repeat steps 1.) and 2.) for other side rail (note: this time you can rest side rail on the
support panel while fitting it to bed head). After this step your bed should look like diagram below.
Attach foot end to side rails so that foot end metal work sitting on top and in between
the side rails metal work. Line up holes on both metal frames and secure it using 2x 16mm button
head bolts and 2x hexagon nuts making sure there are no gaps between foot end and side rails.