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Document NI0003_V04 : Installation note for solar panels with the Solrif frame
SILLIA Energie – 4 Avenue Pierre Marzin 22303 LANNION Cedex – France
Tel : +33 (0)2 96 05 80 50
The solar cable to be used has to be of section 4.00 mm ² and be of solar quality.
During module serial connection, make sure that the polarity of the connection is correct.
Exemple :
3.2.4 Earthing
The SILLIA Energie solar panels with a Solrif frame must be connected to the earth according to the
prescriptions and current standards.
To ensure that the grounding connections are properly made, proceed as follows :
-to fix the cable on the upper frame holes, use self-tapping stainless steel screws with a 4.2 diameter
and 13 mm length ( see illustrations above).
- to avoid any screw loosening following the installation of the grounding cables on the upper frame
you must use stainless steel serrated lock washers with a 4 mm diameter.
4. Maintenance and servicing
- SILLIA Energie modules require very little maintenance.