1. Introduction
The WGM110 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit (OPN: SLEXP4320A) contains a Wireless Expansion Board (BRD8016A) and a WGM110 Wi-Fi
Module Radio Board (BRD4320A) that plug directly into each other. The core of the kit is a WGM110 Wizard Gecko Wi-Fi Module which
makes this kit an excellent starting point for adding Wi-Fi connectivity to a compatible Silicon Labs MCU Starter Kit.
The kit connects and works out-of-the box by inserting it into the expansion header of one of these Silicon Labs MCU Starter Kits
• EFM32 Pearl Gecko PG12 Starter Kit - SLSTK3402A
• EFM32 Pearl Gecko PG1 Starter Kit - SLSTK3401A
• EFM32 Giant Gecko GG11 Starter Kit - SLSTK3701A
The kit is sold without a Silicon Labs MCU STK.
The firmware and demo that is available with the kit targets applications where the MCU on the STK serves as a host that drives the
application and tells the WGM110 Wi-Fi Module what to do. The picture below shows the kit connected to a Silicon Labs MCU STK
through the Expansion Header.
Figure 1.1. WGM110 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit Connected to a Silicon Labs MCU STK
Although the main connectivity path for the kit is to a Silicon Labs MCU STK through the Expansion Header, the kit can also connect to
a Raspberry Pi and function as a Raspberry Pi HAT. To do so, a dual row, female socket, 0.1" pitch connector must be soldered in.
connect the kit to both a Silicon Labs MCU STK and a Raspberry Pi at the same time.
1.1 Kit Contents
The following items are included in the box:
• 1x Wireless Expansion Board (BRD8016A)
• 1x WGM110 Wi-Fi Module (BRD4320A)
1.2 Getting Started
Detailed instructions for how to get started can be found on the Silicon Labs web pages:
UG291: WGM110 Wi-Fi® Expansion Kit User's Guide
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