8.3 AEM Accuracy and Performance
The Advanced Energy Monitor is capable of measuring currents in the range of 0.1 µA to 95 mA. For currents above 250 µA, the AEM
is accurate within 0.1 mA. When measuring currents below 250 µA, the accuracy increases to 1 µA. Even though the absolute accuracy
is 1 µA in the sub 250 µA range, the AEM is able to detect changes in the current consumption as small as 100 nA.
The AEM current sampling rate is 10 kHz.
The AEM circuitry only works when the kit is powered and the power switch is in the AEM position.
8.4 Usage
The AEM (Advanced Energy Monitor) data is collected by the board controller and can be displayed by the Energy Profiler, available
through Simplicity Studio. By using the Energy Profiler, current consumption and voltage can be measured and linked to the actual code
running on the BGM113 in realtime.
UG187: Blue Gecko Wireless Starter Kit with BGM113 Module
Advanced Energy Monitor
| Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly.
Rev. 1.00 | 16