Rev. 1.1
S i 8 4 1 0 / 2 0 / 2 1 ( 5 k V )
S i 8 4 2 2 / 2 3 ( 2 . 5 & 5 k V )
2.2. Eye Diagram
Figure 6 illustrates an eye-diagram taken on an Si8422. For the data source, the test used an Anritsu (MP1763C)
Pulse Pattern Generator set to 1000 ns/div. The output of the generator's clock and data from an Si8422 were
captured on an oscilloscope. The results illustrate that data integrity was maintained even at the high data rate of
150 Mbps. The results also show that 2 ns pulse width distortion and 250 ps peak jitter were exhibited.
Figure 6. Eye Diagram