E Z R a d i o - 2 Wa y L i n k - D K
Rev. 0.1
Figure 11. Menu Page: Node Parameters 5/6 (Function is Tx/TRx)
Figure 12. Menu Page: Node Parameters 5/6 (Function is Rx)
The Self ID field is filled up automatically based on the serial number of the used RFpico board. It is important to
setup the destination ID accurately, otherwise the link will not work. The destination ID has to be the self ID of the
other device.
Figure 13. Menu Page: Node Parameters 6/6
As described earlier, demo parameters are stored in the MCU's flash memory and restored after power-on-reset.
Default values are loaded if no parameters were previously stored in the flash. The default packet configuration of
the demo is the following:
Destination ID is the same as the Self ID
Packet length is 15 bytes
Max. packets is 1000 packets
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