2. Install GreenPAK Designer Software
Download and install the latest GreenPAK Designer
software from
3. Prepare Development Board
Use USB cable to connect GreenPAK Universal
Dev. Board 1 to your PC or Mac.
Make sure that the socket board is well connected
to main board.
Use tweezers to place one GreenPAK chip to
socket. Make sure that the PIN1 marker on the
socket corresponds to first PIN key on the chip.
Close the socket.
4. Use Emulation Tool
Start GreenPAK Designer Software.
Open one of the example projects at: Main menu ->
Help -> Examples.
Use toolbar icon
to start GreenPAK Emulation
The schematic at emulator control window
represents the actual controls, which are present in
the emulator.
“Emulation” button to load your project code
to the chip. At this point chip will gain the behavior
of your project. Emulation can be performed
multiple times even chip is programmed.
For more information, please refer to the user guide
available at: Main menu -> Help -> User Guides.
Press “Emulation” button again to exit the emulation