Instruction Manual VisGuard 2 Extractive
Sampling point
The selection of the sampling point is decisive for the sample quality of the medium to be
measured. Observe the following information when selecting the sampling point:
Pay attention to local regulations (suction height above the road).
The sample taking should enable representative recording of the particle concentration
(do not install in recesses).
Ensure that only the measuring medium is suctioned in. Foreign substances that can
block the sample lines or even destroy parts of the system must be kept at bay. The op-
tional SIGRIST splash guard is suitable for this, for example:
- Splash guard for concealed installation, drawing
- Splash guard for surface installation, drawing
Sample transport
General information
The goal of sample transport is to feed the gas sample through the measuring cell on the
measuring instrument without distortion. For this reason, high velocities are required in the
transport lines. The dimensioning of the sample lines, how the lines are routed and the sele c-
tion of the line material are decisive for the quality of sample transport and accuracy of the
Dimensioning of the lines
The dimensioning of the sample lines is made at the factory of SIGRIST -PHOTOMETER AG.
The dimensioning is based on the construction plans, which have to be provided to us in the
tendering phase.
The dimensioning of the inner line diameters is made according to the line length and gua-
rantees that the required sample quantity in the measuring cell is maintained.