Widespread Faucet Installation Instructions
11. Attach the spray nozzle to the spray hose (if not already attached), and insert the side spray hose through the
sprayer housing. Attach the hose to the spray hose outlet on the faucet.
: Before you connect the spray hose to the faucet, make sure that it is in a position that will allow you to pull it out
easily without getting caught on any other fixtures beneath the sink.
12. If a soap dispenser is included, install by threading the pump handle through the appropriate mounting hole and
attaching the plastic soap reservoir from underneath the sink.
13. Hand tighten to attach the hot and cold flexible water feed tubes to the handle bodies and brass T. Give a ¼ turn with
pliers or wrench, but don’t over tighten. (Hot water is always on the left and cold water is always on the right.) Curve
tubes as necessary to ensure there are no kinks or knots.
14. Connect the main water supply to the faucet body.
15. After all connections have been made, turn on the water supply, check to make sure that all connections are tight (no
water should be leaking) and that the hot and cold supplies are working correctly. Turn the faucet on and allow the
water to flow through the spout for approximately 60 seconds. Divert the water to the spray hose and allow the water
to flow through the hose for approximately 60 seconds.