Signamax Connectivity System 065-7429
16.2 delete
2.1 no hostname
Switch(config)#no hostname
Switch(config)#no hostname
Switch(config)#no hostname
Switch(config)#no hostname
Switch(config)#no hostname ?
17 log
Switch(config)#log ?
file Logging to file
record-priority Log the priority of the message within the message
stdout Logging goes to stdout
syslog Logging goes to syslog
trap Limit logging to specified level
Switch(config)#log file ?
FILENAME Logging filename
Switch(config)#log file filename ?
18 undebug
Switch#undebug ?
all Turn off all debugging
nsm Network Service Module (NSM)
ospf Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
rip Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
Switch#undebug all ?
nsm Network Service Module (NSM)
ospf Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
rip Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
Switch#undebug all nsm ?