Copyright © Sigicom AB 2020
Time Synchronization through Internet
D10 automatically synchronizes its clock to an NTP (
rotocol) server on Internet. SNTP according to RFC 4330 is used. No
user configuration of the NTP server can be made.
An NTP request with subsequent difference calculation is performed at
every INFRA Net communication, but not more often than once every 60
minutes. The calculated difference is stored with each data timestamp.
The internal clock is gradually adjusted while monitoring is running. Any
remaining difference is adjusted at power off.
Expected time diversion is below 1 minute per month.
All data from D10/D10 Micro is always time stamped with UTC
time. Time zone only affects the presentation of time
Daylight Saving Time
Automatic transition between daylight saving time (DST) and standard
time (STD) is configured with the time zone mentioned above. The
D10/D10 Micro does not need to turn monitoring off during the transition.
All data from D10/D10 Micro is time stamped with UTC time. Daylight
Saving Time only affects the presentation of time.
INFRA Net Remote Control
For full functionality of INFRA Net Remote control, D10/D10 Micro
shall be monitoring. D10/D10 Micro does not communicate automatically
when monitoring is off.
When communicating with INFRA Net, D10/D10 Micro sends its status
and parameter settings. On the Hardware tab in INFRA Net, you can view