Building the Right Wing
Place the left wing into position on the end of the right wing plan. Place a spacer under the last W-2 rib to raise the tip 3 1/2"
above the building board. The lower 1/16" plywood dihedral braces for the right wing should be flat against the plan. Pin the
left wing into this position.
Pin the lower spar and the trailing edge sheet into position for the right wing. Glue the spar to the dihedral brace and glue
the trailing edge to the left wing.
Add the lower rear inboard sheet to the right wing and finish assembling the right wing as you did the left.
When the right wing is finished, sand the entire wing smooth and sand the leading edge round.
Cut the 3/4" triangle for the wing tips in half and glue to the ends of the wing. The front of the tip block should be flush with
the leading edge, and the bottom should be flush with the bottom of the W-2 rib. Sand the tip blocks to match the airfoil
section of the ribs and then sand them smooth.
Pre-Cover Assembly
Sand the entire fuselage smooth and lightly round the corners.
Mark and drill 1/16" holes on F-5 for the nose gear bearing block. Mount the nose gear bearing block to the firewall with 2-
56 screws and nuts.
Mark and drill 1/16" holes on F-5 for the motor mount. Attach the motor mount to the firewall with 4-40 screws and nuts.
Now install the motor on the mount. Trim the top front corner of the fuselage side to allow for needle valve access and
Install the nose landing wire and steering arm so the arm is on the right side of the firewall.
Mark and drill 3/16" holes in the firewall for the throttle pushrod, nose gear steering pushrod, fuel and vent lines.
Install the main landing gear wires into the fuselage and secure with parts F-17 and #2 sheet metal screws.
Glue the F-18 fuel tank supports into position.
Fit and glue the servo rails into position. Adjust the spacing of the rails to fit the servos that you are using. The servo rails
are made from 1/4" sq. spruce. The rudder and elevator servo rails extend completely across the fuselage and rest on top
of the F-3's. The throttle servo rails extend only as far as needed to support the servo. One end rests on top of F-3 and
these rails are supported by part F-19. Now mount the servos on the rails.
Bend and install the throttle pushrod and the nose gear steering pushrod. Attach these pushrods to the servos with servo
connectors. You will need to drill small holes in F-6 where these push rods pass through. The location of these holes will
vary depending on your servos and pushrod bends. They can be "drilled" with the point of your X-acto knife.
Assemble the fuel tank and install into the model.
Glue the stabilizer and the fin to the aft end of the fuselage. Make sure they are straight and square before gluing.
Temporarily hinge (do not glue) the elevators to the stabilizer.
Cut the lower hinge slot in the rudder and the fuselage and then temporarily hinge (do not glue) the rudder to the model.
Attach the control horns to the elevator and rudder with 2-56 screws. Install the rudder and elevator pushrods with clevises
at the horns and servo connectors at the servos.